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  • Derek

Taking up your Gift and Call

What a powerful word from Jodie on Sunday. I believe the Lord is really speaking to us at the moment about carefully considering what we have been called to and faithfully stewarding the gifts He has placed upon us.

Christ is at work in all of us, calling us into the purpose He has skilfully designed us for. A few Sundays back I shared a message I received while puffing and panting my way up a hill. Sensing the Lords encouragement to keep climbing towards what He has called us to, despite the exertion and effort required. Just as Paul was committed to press on to take hold of everything the Lord has purposed for him.

Php 3:12b …but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

I felt the Lord say that some of us had settled for a somewhat easier path that leads around the mountain as opposed to the track that takes us to the top. While it may be easier, its quite discouraging when you feel like you are busy, but end up back at the start of the loop.

Jodie then spoke about the miraculous regaining of an axe head by the prophets in 2 Kings 6:1-5. This axe head is like our gifts – the spiritual tools we have from the Lord to achieve what He has called us to. Things happen in life that cause us to lose our axe heads – our gifting can end up falling in the river or put aside, and no longer active.

The striking piece of that scripture was Elisha performed a miracle to make the axe head float, but the it was the one who was to use the axe who had to bend down and take it up again himself.

I want to encourage you that if you are feeling a bit lost, discouraged, like you are just going around the mountain, ask the lord to float your gifts again, to bring them to a place where you can take it up again. You may even find new gifts for this season, new things that excite you about what god has called you into. Pick them up. Take them up. Step into everything the lord is calling you into. Even if the path seems steep at times the greatest joy and sense of fulfilment comes from seeing God work through us. You all have a God designed purposed – lets each press on toward it.  

Rom 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Grace and Shalom Peace to you all



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